Subject combinations
As seen in the Taught hours section, many computing teachers are likely to have taught other subject(s) in addition to computing. This section explores the subject combinations of computing teachers.
1 Other subjects
In 2022 44 % of lessons were taught by dedicated computing teachers, these are teachers who only taught computing during the census week, this means 56 % of of lessons were taught by teachers who were timetabled to teach other subjects in addition to computing. The percentage of dedicated taught hours has been decreasing since 2010, when it was 61 %. Other STEM subjects such as science and mathematics have more than 86 % of their taught hours delivered by teachers only timetabled to teach that subject.

In 2022, popular subjects that computing teachers teach in addition to computing were business studies (18 %) and mathematics (13.5 %). With the computing teachers teaching mathematics increasing substantially since 2010 when the figure was 10 %. This has coincided with the introduction of the computer science components of the curriculum and the increased mathematical content of this material.

When looking at computing teachers and the percentage of timetabled hours dedicated to teaching other subjects, we again see business studies and maths as the most popular combinations, with mathematics hours being much closer to business studies.