Head teachers in computing schools

The gender of a school’s head teacher can be inferred from Edubase by using the title of the head teacher. For example those who use Mr/Fr/Brother will be categorised as male, and those who use Ms/Mrs/Miss/Sister will be categorised as female. A large number of head teachers do not have their title included in this data set, and fuzzy matching has been attempted where names are predominantly one gender or another, e.g. Joseph has been categorised as male, and Josephine as female. It is possible that headteachers with a given name or title might identify or be legally categorised as another gender, unfortunately, the data set does not allow this level of investigation. This data is valid when the Edubase data set is collected, in this case February 2024, with data backdated, another source of potential error. Schools with multiple head teachers are redacted from this data set.


Table 1.1: GCSE computer science subject offering by gender of head teacher
year Head Total Subject Possible
URN Students URN Students URN % Student % Avg Cohort Students % of possible % reach
2023 Female 1,994 253,823 1,244 32,883 62.4% 15.8% 26.4 208,378 13.0% 82.1%
2023 Male 2,647 384,733 1,827 52,428 69.0% 16.6% 28.7 315,718 13.6% 82.1%
2022 Female 1,977 245,538 1,161 29,762 58.7% 15.7% 25.6 190,090 12.1% 77.4%
2022 Male 2,623 372,277 1,737 46,416 66.2% 15.7% 26.7 295,951 12.5% 79.5%
type head teacher head_per n provision %
Comprehensive Female 62.1 1239 986 79.6
Comprehensive Male 67.7 1792 1430 79.8
Grammar Female 2.9 58 56 96.6
Grammar Male 3.8 101 96 95.0
Ind Special Female 8.6 172 22 12.8
Ind Special Male 4.0 106 9 8.5
Independent Female 15.5 310 162 52.3
Independent Male 18.3 485 278 57.3
Special Female 10.8 215 18 8.4
Special Male 6.2 163 14 8.6
Table 1.2: GCSE computer science subject offering by gender of head teacher and school type, 2022/23
type school gender head teacher head_per n provision %
Comprehensive Boys Female 1.5 30 28 93.3
Comprehensive Boys Male 2.3 60 53 88.3
Comprehensive Girls Female 5.2 104 84 80.8
Comprehensive Girls Male 1.3 34 26 76.5
Comprehensive Mixed Female 55.4 1105 874 79.1
Comprehensive Mixed Male 64.1 1698 1351 79.6
Grammar Boys Female 0.3 6 6 100.0
Grammar Boys Male 1.7 46 44 95.7
Grammar Girls Female 1.9 38 36 94.7
Grammar Girls Male 0.9 23 22 95.7
Grammar Mixed Female 0.7 14 14 100.0
Grammar Mixed Male 1.2 32 30 93.8
Ind Special Boys Female 0.5 9 0 0.0
Ind Special Boys Male 0.2 6 1 16.7
Ind Special Girls Female 0.2 3 0 0.0
Ind Special Girls Male 0.1 2 0 0.0
Ind Special Mixed Female 8.0 160 22 13.8
Ind Special Mixed Male 3.7 98 8 8.2
Independent Boys Female 0.3 5 3 60.0
Independent Boys Male 2.4 63 33 52.4
Independent Girls Female 6.1 121 71 58.7
Independent Girls Male 1.3 35 19 54.3
Independent Mixed Female 9.2 184 88 47.8
Independent Mixed Male 14.6 387 226 58.4
Special Boys Female 0.6 12 3 25.0
Special Boys Male 0.9 24 2 8.3
Special Girls Female 0.1 1 0 0.0
Special Mixed Female 10.1 202 15 7.4
Special Mixed Male 5.3 139 12 8.6
Table 1.3: GCSE computer science subject offering by gender of head teacher and school type and school gender, 2022/23

2 A level

Table 2.1: A level computer science subject offering by gender of head teacher
A level Computer Science, uptake by gender of head teacher, 2023
year Head Total Subject Possible
URN Students URN Students URN % Student % Avg Cohort Students % of possible % reach
2023 Female 1,026 235,421 568 6,149 55.4% 4.5% 10.8 136,677 2.6% 58.1%
2023 Male 1,648 365,274 966 10,791 58.6% 4.5% 11.2 238,466 3.0% 65.3%
2022 Female 1,026 230,211 541 5,412 52.7% 4.1% 10.0 131,072 2.4% 56.9%
2022 Male 1,648 362,696 915 9,060 55.5% 4.1% 9.9 221,106 2.5% 61.0%
type head teacher head_per n provision %
Comprehensive Female 75.7 777 438 56.4
Comprehensive Male 72.3 1190 697 58.6
Grammar Female 5.7 58 51 87.9
Grammar Male 6.1 101 88 87.1
Ind Special Female 0.1 1 0 0.0
Independent Female 18.5 190 88 46.3
Independent Male 21.4 353 189 53.5
Special Male 0.1 2 0 0.0
Table 2.2: A level computer science subject offering by gender of head teacher and school type, 2022/23
type school gender head teacher head_per n provision %
Comprehensive Boys Female 1.8 18 15 83.3
Comprehensive Boys Male 2.4 40 31 77.5
Comprehensive Girls Female 7.2 74 36 48.6
Comprehensive Girls Male 1.6 27 10 37.0
Comprehensive Mixed Female 66.8 685 387 56.5
Comprehensive Mixed Male 68.2 1123 656 58.4
Grammar Boys Female 0.6 6 6 100.0
Grammar Boys Male 2.8 46 42 91.3
Grammar Girls Female 3.7 38 31 81.6
Grammar Girls Male 1.4 23 20 87.0
Grammar Mixed Female 1.4 14 14 100.0
Grammar Mixed Male 1.9 32 26 81.2
Ind Special Mixed Female 0.1 1 0 0.0
Independent Boys Female 0.3 3 2 66.7
Independent Boys Male 2.1 34 18 52.9
Independent Girls Female 8.5 87 45 51.7
Independent Girls Male 1.3 21 9 42.9
Independent Mixed Female 9.7 100 41 41.0
Independent Mixed Male 18.1 298 162 54.4
Special Mixed Male 0.1 2 0 0.0
Table 2.3: A level computer science subject offering by gender of head teacher and school type and school gender, 2022/23