Provision by location

The section of the report looks at the provision of computer science GCSE and A level by school location. It provides tables, graphs and maps looking at the regional, local education authority and urban / rural categorisation of a school. For each of these it presents the total number of providers and students in that grouping along with the percentage of providers offering the subject and the percentage of students taking the subject. It provides data on the % reach - the percentage of students in a school where the subject was offered, and % of possible - the percentage of students in schools offering the subject who took the subject.

Looking at this data, you can see:

1 Region

This section looks at the regional differences in the provision of Computer Science at GCSE and A level. England has been split into 9 regions. There are large variations in population and poverty levels of each region.

1.1 GCSE

Figure 1.1: GCSE Computer Science provision by region, 2012-23
Table 1.1: GCSE Computer Science uptake by region, 2022/23
Region Total Subject Possible
URN Students URN Students URN % Student % Avg Cohort Students % of possible % reach
East of England 512 74,657 362 10,657 70.7% 14.3% 29.4 63,902 16.7% 85.6%
South East 810 110,518 554 16,565 68.4% 15.0% 29.9 94,251 17.6% 85.3%
North West 647 87,363 439 11,374 67.9% 13.0% 25.9 74,383 15.3% 85.1%
London 741 99,489 514 15,765 69.4% 15.8% 30.7 83,666 18.8% 84.1%
South West 460 61,752 312 8,128 67.8% 13.2% 26.1 51,592 15.8% 83.5%
East Midlands 382 55,347 248 7,121 64.9% 12.9% 28.7 44,090 16.2% 79.7%
West Midlands 562 72,616 333 9,047 59.3% 12.5% 27.2 55,375 16.3% 76.3%
Yorkshire and the Humber 430 63,655 262 6,121 60.9% 9.6% 23.4 47,498 12.9% 74.6%
North East 207 28,594 115 2,742 55.6% 9.6% 23.8 21,290 12.9% 74.5%
Total 4,751 653,991 3,139 87,520 66.1% 13.4% 27.9 536,047 16.3% 82.0%
Figure 1.2: percentage of students taking GCSE Computer Science by Region, 2012-23
Figure 1.3: percentage of schools offering GCSE Computer Science by Region, 2012-23
Figure 1.4: percentage of students in schools offering GCSE Computer Science by Region, 2012-23

1.2 A-level

Figure 1.5: percentage of students in schools offering A level Computer Science by region, 2012-23
Table 1.2: A level Computer Science uptake by region, 2022/23
Region Total URN Total students Subject Possible
URN Students URN % Student % Avg Cohort Students % of possible % reach
South West 276 58,618 172 1,511 62.3% 2.6% 8.8 39,244 3.9% 66.9%
North West 266 81,243 148 2,114 55.6% 2.6% 14.3 54,087 3.9% 66.6%
South East 505 104,712 279 3,247 55.2% 3.1% 11.6 68,468 4.7% 65.4%
North East 98 30,418 56 499 57.1% 1.6% 8.9 19,262 2.6% 63.3%
London 522 98,674 310 3,712 59.4% 3.8% 12.0 60,068 6.2% 60.9%
West Midlands 313 68,143 165 1,717 52.7% 2.5% 10.4 41,048 4.2% 60.2%
Yorkshire and the Humber 212 60,851 119 1,236 56.1% 2.0% 10.4 36,216 3.4% 59.5%
East Midlands 232 44,214 132 1,310 56.9% 3.0% 9.9 26,298 5.0% 59.5%
East of England 322 70,799 191 2,068 59.3% 2.9% 10.8 38,687 5.3% 54.6%
Total 2,746 617,672 1,572 17,414 57.2% 2.8% 11.1 383,378 4.5% 62.1%
Figure 1.6: percentage of students taking A level Computer Science by region, 2012-23
Figure 1.7: percentage of schools offering A level Computer Science by region, 2012-23
Figure 1.8: percentage of students in schools offering A level Computer Science by Region, 2012-23

2 Local Authority

2.1 GCSE

Figure 2.1: Map of GCSE Computer Science providers with history of provision, 2012-23
Table 2.1: GCSE Computer Science uptake by local authority, 2022/23

2.2 Alevel

Figure 2.2: Map of A level Computer Science providers with history of provision, 2012-23
Table 2.2: A level Computer Science uptake by local authority, 2022/23

3 Rural Urban

3.1 GCSE

Table 3.1: GCSE Computer Science uptake by urban/rural school type, 2012-23
Type Total Subject Possible
URN Students URN Students URN % Student % Avg Cohort Students % of possible % reach
2023 Rural 810 86,199 492 10,406 60.7% 12.1% 21.2 69,968 14.9% 81.2%
2023 Urban 3,941 567,792 2,647 77,114 67.2% 13.6% 29.1 466,079 16.5% 82.1%
2022 Rural 798 83,410 467 9,712 58.5% 11.6% 20.8 65,371 14.9% 78.4%
2022 Urban 3,911 549,604 2,494 68,453 63.8% 12.5% 27.4 431,704 15.9% 78.5%
2021 Rural 788 82,648 449 9,485 57.0% 11.5% 21.1 64,375 14.7% 77.9%
2021 Urban 3,845 540,898 2,423 66,207 63.0% 12.2% 27.3 421,078 15.7% 77.8%
2020 Rural - - - - - - - - - -
2020 Urban - - - - - - - - - -
2019 Rural 793 78,306 454 9,615 57.3% 12.3% 21.2 61,539 15.6% 78.6%
2019 Urban 3,852 507,698 2,516 67,687 65.3% 13.3% 26.9 413,679 16.4% 81.5%
2018 Rural 742 70,819 403 8,059 54.3% 11.4% 20.0 54,476 14.8% 76.9%
2018 Urban 3,704 472,078 2,308 59,341 62.3% 12.6% 25.7 375,186 15.8% 79.5%
2017 Rural 708 68,069 351 7,217 49.6% 10.6% 20.6 49,819 14.5% 73.2%
2017 Urban 3,513 453,650 2,094 55,776 59.6% 12.3% 26.6 350,659 15.9% 77.3%
2016 Rural 693 68,064 279 5,930 40.3% 8.7% 21.3 42,963 13.8% 63.1%
2016 Urban 3,366 446,536 1,796 48,355 53.4% 10.8% 26.9 314,166 15.4% 70.4%
2015 Rural 652 67,134 157 3,189 24.1% 4.8% 20.3 25,686 12.4% 38.3%
2015 Urban 3,214 435,946 1,098 26,066 34.2% 6.0% 23.7 199,787 13.0% 45.8%
2014 Rural 625 65,624 70 1,233 11.2% 1.9% 17.6 11,602 10.6% 17.7%
2014 Urban 3,025 419,134 531 12,001 17.6% 2.9% 22.6 98,225 12.2% 23.4%
2013 Rural 618 63,521 26 498 4.2% 0.8% 19.2 4,169 11.9% 6.6%
2013 Urban 2,962 391,219 144 2,850 4.9% 0.7% 19.8 26,720 10.7% 6.8%
2012 Rural 560 52,718 9 124 1.6% 0.2% 13.8 1,282 9.7% 2.4%
2012 Urban 2,520 315,547 52 968 2.1% 0.3% 18.6 10,354 9.3% 3.3%
Figure 3.1: percentage of schools offering GCSE Computer Science by Urban/Rural Categories, 2012-23

3.2 Alevel

Type Total URN Subject
URN Students URN % Avg Cohort
2023 Rural 382 202 1,332 52.9% 6.6
2023 Urban 2,360 1,366 16,021 57.9% 11.7
2022 Rural 384 189 1,198 49.2% 6.3
2022 Urban 2,353 1,299 13,665 55.2% 10.5
2021 Rural 385 178 1,174 46.2% 6.6
2021 Urban 2,350 1,244 12,652 52.9% 10.2
2020 Rural - - - - -
2020 Urban - - - - -
2019 Rural 403 157 534 39.0% 3.4
2019 Urban 2,415 1,156 7,564 47.9% 6.5
2018 Rural 391 134 447 34.3% 3.3
2018 Urban 2,374 1,055 6,537 44.4% 6.2
2017 Rural 380 110 340 28.9% 3.1
2017 Urban 2,317 853 4,600 36.8% 5.4
2016 Rural 379 73 381 19.3% 5.2
2016 Urban 2,276 685 4,462 30.1% 6.5
2015 Rural 358 64 318 17.9% 5.0
2015 Urban 2,150 544 3,667 25.3% 6.7
2014 Rural 346 46 206 13.3% 4.5
2014 Urban 2,050 410 2,744 20.0% 6.7
2013 Rural 332 32 196 9.6% 6.1
2013 Urban 1,899 345 2,355 18.2% 6.8
2012 Rural 302 23 128 7.6% 5.6
2012 Urban 1,603 312 2,258 19.5% 7.2
Table 3.2: GCSE Computer Science uptake by urban/rural school type, 2012-23
Figure 3.2: percentage of schools offering A level Computer Science by Urban/Rural Categories, 2012-23